December Details - Photo & Journaling Prompts
This will be my first year documenting every. single. day. of December. Eeeep! I love December and am pretty excited to get my cozy kit & no peeking add-on goodies organized and get started on my album! I admit I was a bit overwhelmed at the thought of having to come up with something to photograph & write about each day, but my creative team and I came up with a list of prompts that's taken away some of the anxiety. :) If you are feeling the same way... grab the list and follow along day by day, or use it as a checklist and snag an idea when you need it. Whether you are a first timer like me, or a seasoned pro, I hope you'll join me and document the details of YOUR December.
You can download a 6 x 8 or 3 x 4 copy here to keep on hand in your album, or to add to one of your pocket pages...
xo - Jeana
Thank you so much for sharing, I’m going to give it a try this year
Thanks so much!