Planner Inspired | Peggy Emmrich
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Even though I didn't grew up celebrating this holiday, my boyfriend and I haven't missed it for the past 4 years! Celebrating Thanksgiving started as our tradition when we both studied in the US and I can't tell you how much I love that we do. Today, we are having friends over from Germany and I am super excited to see the look on their faces when they discover all the food. haha
Anyway, there is still a little time before our Friendsgiving starts, so how about a little crafty distraction from all the preparations? Are you with me? Perfect.
Don't you guys love the planner stickers in the Felicity Jane Silhouette Design Store? Yep, me too. Today, I would like to show you how I used the Christmas Planner Stickers for a quick and easy layout in my Traveler's Notebook.
I don't own a Silhouette but thats OK, since I can still print the stickers on regular paper and cut them out by hand. Just a quick tip, If you use thicker printer paper, cardstock or even matte photo paper, the stickers turn out to be even more beautiful in quality.
The stickers were not the only planner element that inspired the page. I also used hand stitching to divide the spread similar to my vertical planner in order to give the whole layout a planner spread feel. Even though the photos are from last year, the journaling incorporates current to do's and ideas for making this year's Christmas extra special.
I hope each of you has a wonderful day and now off to the tables so we can all say in unisono: SO. MUCH. FOOD. :D
Supplies used: FJ Planner Stickers | Christmas Planner Stickers | Emeline Puffy Alphabet | FJ Stamp - Emeline | FJ Stamp - Maggie | Subscriber Printable |