Tips & Tricks:  pocket pages | Julie Kinneeveauk

Tips & Tricks: pocket pages | Julie Kinneeveauk

Tips & Tricks:  pocket pages | @felicity_jane | Julie Kinneeveauk

As I begin my 5th year of pocket-style scrapbooking, I think the biggest tip I'd offer someone wanting to document in this style of album is to:


Choose a time.  Make an appointment. Stay on top of it.

 Tips & Tricks: pocket pages | @felicity_jane | Julie Kinneeveauk

I know, it seems like the most obvious thing to say, but for me, it's one of the biggest factors for staying active in my pocket page album.  You'll notice I didn't say "current", because that's not the case for me, but I'm super satisfied with "active".  Active means that I have journaling holes, and pages with blank pockets. I have sticky notes throughout my albums with little tidbits I want to remember to add, but the bottom line is that I can glance through that swiss cheese album and still get a sense of our memories. The printed photos prompt memories and I can go back and fill in the gaps. The photos are off my screen and can be held, cherished, and even if I never get around to doing more, they are represented in my albums in chronological order.  For me, that's a win.  We all want the perfect album with all of our stories beautifully recorded, but I'm happy to accept this stage that heads in that direction, vs. having nothing done at all.


Using a kit can definitely help spur you past this stage of photo printing, into the decorative stage.  Receiving the Felicity Jane kit each month motivates me to take those blank spots and fill in more of my family's story. It certainly adds some pretty to our pages, with very little effort (the patterns alone add interest and gorgeous accents... add in some stamps and embellishments and you're WELL on your way to a cherished album).

TIPS for using Felicty Jane in your album:

  • Once you receive a kit, I recommend cutting the 3x4 and 4x6 cards and finding spots to house them.  Let your photos dictate this.  Find like colors and search for the right fit. Even if it's not their final resting place, it increases the chances of them being used SOMEWHERE in your album!

 Tips & Tricks: pocket pages | @felicity_jane | Julie Kinneeveauk

  • Scatter your kit contents around your work area.  Keep them visible as you're building your pages. Tuck small embellishments into pockets where you feel like they'd work.  If you have ink colors that coordinate with the kit, pull them out and have them handy.  You never know how a stamp or an embellishment will trigger the story-telling process for you.

 Tips & Tricks: pocket pages | @felicity_jane | Julie Kinneeveauk

  • When something *clicks*, work it!  When you have photos that are complimented by the kit's colors, plug away at that page.  

 Tips & Tricks: pocket pages | @felicity_jane | Julie Kinneeveauk

  • Space out your photos and 3x4 cards so it feels balanced.  I like to add darker colors lower on the page, as if they weigh more and sink to the bottom... Think about triangles of colors and elements.  You'll see the black in my two photos help create a triangle with the black "feb" card.  
  • Enjoy the process.  Play with the products and don't be afraid to try new combinations!  In the video I've attached, you'll see I do a fair amount of tinkering before I settle items into their spot.  Sometimes you have to walk away and when you return you'll see things with a fresh perspective.

If you've followed my first tip, be proud of your accomplishment!  Enjoy peeking through at the photos, regardless of where you're at in the stage of decorating!  I hope that Felicity Jane is your kit of choice and that you'll share your creations on Instagram using the hashtag #felicityjane.  It's a great source for inspiration, and a perfect spot for you to share yours, too!

You can watch my process here:


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1 comment

Julie!! I am loving all your PL spreads that you have shared with us! LOVE your style!!


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