Felicity Jane

That One Day Layout | Jessy Christopher

That One Day Layout | Jessy Christopher

While I was browsing my stack of printed photos, I knew I have to scrap this photo of my hubby + daughter in the Bird Park. I love how calm...


That One Day Layout | Jessy Christopher

While I was browsing my stack of printed photos, I knew I have to scrap this photo of my hubby + daughter in the Bird Park. I love how calm...

Getting ready to document December | Jen Schow

Getting ready to document December | Jen Schow

Can you believe it's December already?! Crazy business. I love documenting my December and this year I'm determined to finish what I start. It will be super easy with my...


Getting ready to document December | Jen Schow

Can you believe it's December already?! Crazy business. I love documenting my December and this year I'm determined to finish what I start. It will be super easy with my...

"Pretty Boy" layout | Suse Fish

"Pretty Boy" layout | Suse Fish

Meet Mr Paws, our adorable rescue Persian! He's getting to be quite an old fella now, but isn't he scrumptious? It was about time I tried to make a Felicity...


"Pretty Boy" layout | Suse Fish

Meet Mr Paws, our adorable rescue Persian! He's getting to be quite an old fella now, but isn't he scrumptious? It was about time I tried to make a Felicity...

December Details - Photo & Journaling Prompts

December Details - Photo & Journaling Prompts

This will be my first year documenting every. single. day. of December. Eeeep! I love December and am pretty excited to get my cozy kit & no peeking add-on goodies organized and...


December Details - Photo & Journaling Prompts

This will be my first year documenting every. single. day. of December. Eeeep! I love December and am pretty excited to get my cozy kit & no peeking add-on goodies organized and...

"November Around Here" Pocket Page Spread | Carol Chastain

"November Around Here" Pocket Page Spread | Car...

Every once in a while, I like to be intentional about the kind of photos I am taking, as well as the stories I tell to go along with them....


"November Around Here" Pocket Page Spread | Car...

Every once in a while, I like to be intentional about the kind of photos I am taking, as well as the stories I tell to go along with them....


Hello Fall Pocket Pages | Becky Homick

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! My favorite part of having a scrapbook kit delivered to my door each month is that it inspires me to keep up to date with documenting my...

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Hello Fall Pocket Pages | Becky Homick

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! My favorite part of having a scrapbook kit delivered to my door each month is that it inspires me to keep up to date with documenting my...

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